Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Black Berry Messenger Ready to Anticipate phenomenon of 'Dark Social Sharing'

What would you do if you see compelling content in online media and want to share them with your friends?

Some of the users certainly going to copy and paste the link and share them via e-mail (e-mail) or instant messaging applications like BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) .

Based on the results of recent research, the sharing of content such as this is often made public. Marketing experts have said the term "dark social".

What's "Dark Social Media"?

"In this context, dark interpreted as something personal instead of something threatening. The term dark refers to the fact that the activities share a link in the browser, usually can not be tracked. So when we share a link that was opened by someone, then marketers have not been able to find out how they got into the link, "said Matthew Talbot, CEO of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM).

Share Content: 77% Dark Social vs 23%  Social

Reports of RadiumOne in June 2016 stated that as many as 77% of people share content from publishers and marketers are dark social, 23% of them share the content through social media. 

This means that more than three-quarters occurred content shared via email and instant messaging applications.

Some reports said that the number of people accessing news and information from social media increased. No doubt this figure will continue to rise. But in fact, email and instant messaging applications had already become a media shared the most widely used.

Moreover, in the same report, 32% of people globally will only share content online using social dark, especially in the older generation.

Short Message Has Social Media Following

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, saw a sign on a wall in Facebook in 2014 when she said, "Messaging is more often done by people rather than social networking." After that, Facebook bought WhatsApp for $ 19 billion, and separating Messenger from Facebook.

The use of social networks declined globally, and instant messaging applications surpassed the growth increased significantly. Instant messaging applications into something reliable in the digital world.

In January 2016, digital reports from We Are Social indicate that globally there are: - 3.42 billion Internet users, approximately 46% of the world population, that number had increased 10% since 2015; - 2.31 billion users of social media , equivalent to 31% of the world population, also up 10% since 2015; - 3.79 billion mobile phone users, or 51% of the world's population, this figure has increased by 4%; - 1.97 billion social media users via mobile phones , or 27% of global penetration, an increase of 17% from the previous year.

For the record, depending the number of users of social media by using social media via the mobile phone (instant messaging applications) amounted to only 340 million. Plus, the number of users of social media on mobile phones is growing rapidly: 17% vs 10% in January 2016 ago.

In April 2016, The Economist reported that "More than 2.5 billion people have at least one messaging application installed on their phone ..." and then they predict that "In the next few years, the population will increase to reach 3.6 billion, or half of the number of people in the world. "

In September 2016, Business Insider claimed that four of the most popular messaging application currently has more monthly active users than four popular social networking. 

This shows that the number of users of the messaging application is greater than the total users of social media, and even crossover had occurred in 2016.

Companies Can Activating Social Dark

Instant messaging on mobile phones is now not just about traffic or growth per se, but also as one of the dark social channels where three quarters of users to share content / information.

The marketers have not been able to effectively track or know the behavior of users to share on social dark, so that 90% of investments in social media marketing and sharing happens on sosiai networking, with an ROI of 23%.

In addition, the report RadiumOne above also provides some interesting case studies of companies that activating dark social and get impressive results. 

One example is the Universal Music Group, dark social can help the company improve the results of program media up to 300% of their promotions.

"The results are certainly not surprising given we share personal information are of course certain reasons. We know for sure that the information we share will provide benefits to our peers. This is what makes the one-to-one sharing more effective than mass share for the company, "said Matthew Talbot.

BBM Was Ready

According to marketers messaging applications like BBM be an effective means to establish relationships with customers (including potential customers) through the online system and mobile phone. 

Instant messaging applications help companies to disseminate information to the right people and reduce the risk of the information falling into the wrong hands.

According to Matthew, the BBM is aware of the phenomenon of "dark social sharing", and also a shift in the trend of using social media to share content en masse to personal messages with instant messaging applications. 

Two things are pushing the BBM to deliver content more diverse, expanding the capabilities of video, as well as open application programming interface (API) to offer more choice to users and marketers to share, so that it becomes a better option to connect.

Black Berry Messenger Ready to Anticipate phenomenon of 'Dark Social Sharing'
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